Wednesday 9 April 2014

BJP-Manifesto for 2014 Polls: What Narendra Modi Wants to Offer to the Youth of India

The BJP has been considered to be a party with grey-heads but this election; being well aware of the youth percentage of voters including 10-crore first time voters the party has tried its best to woo this section with an array of flashy promises. The youth is already connecting with Modi more than any other leader and so, he too has not let them down at least in his manifesto. BJP is claiming to achieve a near double digit growth percentage with the help of these youth. Giving them full credit for any development and praising them by branding them as the most productive asset of the country, the party has tried its best to gain the trust of the 50% bank.

Let’s have a look at what they have to offer for the youth of this nation:

Involving youth in decision making: Finally, the BJP is talking of youth participation in the decision-making process which is a good thing. The party of uncles has been criticized for not involving young leaders among the party in the process of any policy formulation and decision making but 2014 is an election where the youth is a decisive factor and keeping this factor in mind they are offering a full youth inclusive approach and making them an integral part of the development process.

Young leaders programme: This programme will focus on identifying young leaders in all the sectors and reward them for their contribution so that they work as role models for others. This is a good initiative to promote and motivate youth and create a competitive environment where everybody strives to be the best. A welcoming thought if it’s not just a mere promise. Promotion and motivation of youth and rewarding them for their remarkable contribution will help them evolve and give their fullest with utmost energy and enthusiasm.

National Youth Advisory Board: This kind of advisory board is very common in the manifestos of almost all parties. BJP too has included it in their agenda. This kind of advisory board can prove to be effective if there is a minimal gap between the planning and its execution rather than just adding another portfolio to the ministry.

Encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship: Modi’s favourite punchline in almost all his speeches to lure the youth. He claims to be successfully providing the youth a good environment for entrepreneurship in Gujarat. However, it would be interesting to see how he plans to implement it on a national level provided he gets the magic number. Innovation has been something less promoted for years and it has laid back the research work in our country to a great extent. We have heard a lot about innovations across the world till now but less about our own country.

Youth for Development: Although it’s a projected programme for involving youth in the overall development process it sounds much like a Modi slogan. It is indisputably agreeable that with more than 50% population the key to development in any ways are in the hands of the youth only and for any government to achieve the desired mark of development the procurement of youth will be mandatory.

Simplifying student’s loans: This is an important issue which can make the BJP a favourite among the youth. There have been a number of hurdles in the procedure of raising educational loans from the banks and there is a need of complete revival. The rates too have been a pain and addressing it would be a must for any government, if they are eying the future. Affordable loans will help those who dream to achieve a higher education, which otherwise get shattered due to complex bank procedures and dearer prices.


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