Friday 25 May 2018

News18 India Survey on 4-Years Modi Government, 62K People Opinion Taken

News18 India Survey on 4-Years Modi Govt. as on May 25

One of the largest survey on 4-Years Modi Government has been done by News18 India on May 25th.

Please check the live updates below:

- According to the survey, the Hindu votes are nearly split down the middle on the question on whether the Modi regime should be given another chance with 44% exhibiting a pro-government stand and 42% taking an anti-government position.

- Terrorism and Foreign Policy Issue: More than 61% people are happy with Modi Government on terrorism issue and its nullification. Approx. 82% people are happy and with Modi Government foreign policy.

- On Corruption Issue: 49% people are happy by the actions taken by Modi Government on corrupt people. 44% people are not favoring this view and 7% people are undecided on this issue.

- On Inflation Issue: 33% people are favoring actions taken by the Modi Government to make it stable. 60% people are not favoring this view and 7% people are undecided on this issue.

- Ease Of Doing Business: 46% people are happy and with the Modi Government on this issue. 39% people are not favoring this view and 15% people are undecided on this issue.

- On Farmers Issue: 37% people are happy with steps taken by Modi Government. 47% people are not favoring this view and 16% people are undecided on this issue.

- On Employment Issue: 35% people are believing that good amount of employment is generated by Modi Government. 54% people are not favoring this view and 11% people are undecided on this issue.

- On GST Issue: 32% people are believing that GST is good and effective in India. 60% people are not favoring GST and 8% people are undecided on this issue.

- This survey is done in 250 different districts of India and 69% Male and 31% Female opinion has been incorporated in this survey.

- 62,000 people opinion has been taken in News18 India Survey.
Source: News18India

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