Friday 25 May 2018

Times Now Opinion Survey on 4-Year Modi Government-55% Want NDA Back

Chrome Data Analytics and Media conducted an exclusive Opinion Survey to gauge the popularity of the Modi government. The #NaMoPopularitySurvey posed eight questions before the respondents to understand the public’s mood on Modi Sarkar’s four years of governance.

New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance government at the Centre led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi completes four years in office on May 26, entering the final 12 months of its tenure before the 2019 General Elections. Will PM Modi be able to win a re-election in 2019? Is his popularity intact after spending four years in office?

How has his government fared in the eyes of the people of India? Chrome Data Analytics and Media conducted an exclusive Opinion Survey to gauge the popularity of the Modi government. The #NaMoPopularitySurvey posed eight questions before the respondents to understand the public’s mood on Modi Sarkar’s four years of governance.

- Seat projection All India | Total Lok Sabha seats – 543
BJP: Seats won in 2014 – 282 | Seat projection 2018 - 318

- Who would you like to see as PM in 2019?
Narendra Modi – 53% | Rahul Gandhi – 23% | Mamata Banerjee – 7% | Akhilesh Yadav – 6% | Mayawati – 5% | Arvind Kejriwal – 1% | Others – 3%

- Do you think NDA should get a second term?
Yes - 55% | No - 45%

- How do you rate inter faith relations over the last four years?
Improved – 30% | Stable – 32% | Worsened – 23% | Can’t say - 15%

- How do you perceive your job and income security?
Same as five years ago – 31% | Improved under NDA – 37% | Worse off now than before – 32%

- How have the last four years impacted your standard of living?
Improved a lot - 19% | Improved somewhat – 28% | Remained the same – 23% | Become worse - 14% | Become much worse – 11% | No response - 5%

- How do you rate four years of Modi sarkar?
Excellent - 23% | Good - 26% | Average - 27% | Bad - 24%

- The Opinion Survey has been conducted in collaboration with Chrome Data Analytics and Media. It was conducted between May 9 and 22, 2018. There were a total of 13,575 respondents across all states and Union Territories.
Source: TimesNow

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