Monday 25 November 2013

Women's Safety Should be THE Issue of 2014 Polls in India

[We say elections nowadays are fought without issues. Is it true? Six months before the next Lok Sabha polls which many are predicting to be a sort of an unprecedented battle, it is not that India has little or no issue to fight over but what is disappointing is that it is fighting over issues that are not primary.]

Who should be the PM is a secondary issue?

There is a huge enthusiasm across the nation on who should become the next prime minister and how a new government should teach the Pakistanis or the Chinese for violating the borders. The challenger is repeating the corruption that those in power has allegedly indulged in over the ages while the defender is re-emphasising the need of the right to eat of the poor.

Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi should speak on women's safety.

The two main faces of the competing parties, the Congress and the BJP, are heard of saying sharp but repetitive words, aimed at each other. Strangely, none is heard of speaking much about the most burning issue in the country at the moment and that is: safety of women.

Yes, we all know that the coal files shouldn't have been stolen, the poor should be fully fed, the farmer shouldn't keep staring at the flying airplane, terrorism should be wiped out, development should take place, the youth should be empowered... but shouldn't be the womenfolk of this country be the safe before anything else falls in place? Why neither Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi or for the matter any other political leader of this country is putting a firm emphasis on this issue? Like the Aam Aadmi Party which has been formed just to protest corruption, why isn't there still a political party which will only fight for women's safety?

Women's safety is a major challenge in a changing India, but how many are thinking of it?

Issues like communalism, secularism or Mandir-Mandal politics is outdated now. As a modern socio-economy which is yet to take a complete shape, India today is facing threats and problems and the consequence of which is felt the most by the women. Yet, no politician is seen speaking about the issue spontaneously and vowing to improve the situation.

Women's safety isn't just a matter to corner the govt, it requires consistent backing

Women are being sexually assaulted at the workplace, on the streets, at home and we are just depending on law to take care of the problem. why isn't the leadership, across the political spectrum, taking care of this irrespective of the political colour? We heard Modi and Arvind Kejriwal speaking on the issue a couple of times but that seemed to be more an effort to corner the ruling Congress in Delhi and not a uniform stand to deal with the menace across the nation.

It doesn't really matter who becomes the prime minister, Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi, if the country continues to fail to save its women's modesty after the 2014 Lok Sabha polls. It would be a far more hopeful scenario if a Modi and Rahul join hand to fight the terrorism against women across the society. But will that happen ever?

Source: OneIndia

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