Thursday 14 November 2013

Why BJP is Going to Win 25+ Lok Sabha Seats of Bihar in 2014 Polls?

There are lots of visible and genuine reasons of why in 2014 Lok Sabha Polls, BJP is going to win over 25 seats out of 40 in Bihar:

1. The most prominent factor of winning BJP with record breaking seats of Bihar in 2014 elections is that increasing Narendra Modi acceptance by Bihar people in every section of society very rapidly.

2. There is very mere chances of contesting 2014 general elections by Congress & RJD combined after ordinance chapter raised by Rahul Gandhi to its own party which was favouring Lalu Yadav definitely.

3. There is also very less chances of contesting 2014 Polls by JD(U) with Congress as Narendra Modi already raised JP-and-BJP issue in Hunkar Rally of Patna. Nitish Kumar is trying to play safe in this case as there is a sure chances to swing voters because Bihar is known for its Vote-against-Congress pattern after emergency deployed by Congress & JP-Movement.

4. So, it is clear that there is no chance of pre-poll alliance for 2014 Lok Sabha elections between Congress-RJD or Congress-JD(U). Minority votes will definitely be distributed in Congress-RJD-JD(U). BJP will surely be the gaining party in this case.

5. Recent Bodh-Gaya & Patna like bomb-blasts in last 6-7 months finally decreased popularity of Nitish Kumar in Bihar voters. Also Bihar people are not happy by breaking alliance with BJP by JD(U) without any feasible reasoning.

6. There is a clear national-level wave against Congess-Party due to uncontrolled inflation-unemployment-insecurity (i.e. Mahngai-Berojgari-Ashuraksha) across nation. People want to see a new Government in Center.

Regional-Parties who could do probable alliance with Congress-led-UPA after 2014 polls are also going to lose their vote share nationally.

7. There is a leadership crises in Congress & so called 3rd-front. Central Government has failed on leadership & governance issue. Quick and effective decision making is a big challange for Congress-led-UPA Government.

That is why Narendra Modi finds edge over other national leaders. Good governance record of last 12 years in Gujarat without any communal riots makes Modi far ahead in PM race with other PM prospects.

I hope you like above analysis. Thanks to visitors of this blog and sharing their valuable commnets & views on regular basis.

Source: Blogger-Analysis

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