Tuesday 21 May 2013

ABP-Nielsen Survey: If Polls Held Today, NDA may Erase UPA

If polls were held today, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) will get a mere 136 Lok Sabha seats, according to a survey done by ABP News-Nielsen. The main opposition, National Democratic Alliance, is likely to get 206 seats, while others parties will get 167 seats.

Neither the UPA nor the Bharatiya Janata Party-led NDA will get the magic number 272 in the general elections if they were to take place today.

Left parties together will get 34 seats. The NDA may try to form the government, but will need 66 more seats for that.
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Zonal Performance:

The UPA is seen as winning 33 seats in the east and 36 in the north in comparison with NDA's 49 and 67, respectively. In the south, the UPA is likely to get 36 seats against the NDA's 10. The major players in the southern states are the regional parties with 75 seats.

BJP leader Narendra Modi's effect is visible in western states, the survey says. With 80 seats, the NDA is likely to lead in the region. Congress could win 36 seats.

Vote Share:

The UPA will garner 26 per cent of votes, while the NDA will get 27 per cent. Other parties will be the most voted parties in the country. Forty-one per cent votes are spread among other parties, while the Left parties will get a meager six per cent votes.

Overall, 31 per cent of those interviewed by the survey intend to vote for the BJP, whereas 20 per cent are likely to vote for the Congress. Seventy-four per cent of those who voted for the Congress during 2009 Lok Sabha elections still intend to vote for the party if the Lok sabha elections are held now, while 26 per cent are moving away, of which nine per cent intend to vote for BJP. Ninety per cent of those who voted for the BJP will continue to vote for it while two per cent will move away from the BJP to the Congress, the survey found.

Source: Business-Standard


  1. These surveys have no scientific base... Even in the past Before 2004-2009 PreSurveys had predicted rout for Congress and it's allies ..but what cameout after the poll is history now...

    1. What do u expect? UPA or NDA

    2. I guess it's NDA whose gonna make it this time around..... main causes may be law and order...... rapes...... and most of all corruption in current government.... some minorities still may keep a distance with Modi..... but, still.... the chances of Modi becoming PM are very bright....

  2. i think the media should aware the people neither NDA nor UPA need to continue more than 2 term of governance.as i looking daily one more news channel are aware the congress party that be ready for more seat and misguiding to BJP .I think in this type survey is like "day dream" for BJP just like in 2004 by all media people.and also misguiding to BJP voter and Indian people.

  3. Confidence Vs Arrogance

    Both , Sheila Dikshit ( Congress ) and Vijay Goel ( BJP ) , are loudly proclaiming that their party will win the forthcoming Delhi Assembly Elections , with a thumping majority

    Even Arvind Kejriwal ( Aam Aadmi Party ) is saying the same

    That is understandable , considering that the Commanders must enthuse their cadres

    Such confidence on their part is a pre-requisite for winning

    But what happens when Sheila Dikshit says ,

    “ Aam Aadmi Party ? Who are they ? Nobody !
    They don’t scare us . They are insignificant .
    What is their agenda ? What is their record ?
    People of Delhi will ignore them ! “

    Now , that is bravado

    People of Delhi !

    For over a decade , you have suffered this insult

    4th December is your time to teach a lesson to the arrogant rulers of Delhi

    By voting / electing , at least 40 AAP candidates

    Only you can give yourself a break !

    • hemen parekh ( 12 Oct 2013 )
