Saturday 23 May 2015

ABP News Neilson Opinion Poll: 61% Rates PM Modi as ‘Ábove Average'

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s charisma still casts its magic on people of the country, a nation-wide survey conducted by ABP News-Neilson opinion poll has revealed.

According to the survey, around 61 per cent people across Indian think PM Modi’s performance as the head of the Indian government is above average. States like Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand and Odisha have given better ratings to PM Modi.

Not only Modi, his government’s performance in the last 1 year has also been hailed by the masses. 48 per cent people rated NDA government’s performance as above average.

‘Acche Din aa gaye’
This is probably the most popular political phrase in the country these days. The NDA government, the Opposition and the public is grappling to find a definitive answer to this question. However, when we asked this question to the masses, there was a split verdict.

48 per cent people think ‘acche din aa gaye’. Whereas 44 per cent people think good days have not arrived as of now. More than half of the subjects in 5 BJP-ruled states agree, where as other 6 disagree to the statement.

Quality of life:
55 per cent people think their quality of life under Narendra Modi government has remained the same, whereas 35 per
We asked certain general questions to people and got a mixed response.

People have given a mixed response to this question of importance. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s much-publicized drive to root out corruption seems to have not struck a chord with the people. 49 per cent people have said corruption has come down. 45 per cent say it hasn’t. 6 per cent didn’t have an opinion on this.

Alarmingly for the BJP, the states like Punjab, Chattisgarh, Haryana, where the party rules, highest percentage of people have given a negative feedback on this front.

This is a cause of concern for the BJP government. Despite their claims, only 39 per cent people think inflation has come down. 55 per cent respondents say inflation has not come down and 6 per cent didn’t have an opinion.

Black Money:
Prime Minister Modi during campaign has promised to bring back black money and also that every Indian will get Rs 15 lakh in his back account. Has he done enough to realize the ‘chunavi jumla’? 45 per cent people have said he has done enough. 43 per cent said he hasn’t and 12 per cent have no opinion on it.

Farmers compensation:
While there was a mix opinion on the issue overall, BJP-ruled states gave stunning responses. 87 per cent people in Haryana think the government has not done enough. 63 per cent in Rajasthan, 57 per cent in Madhya Pradesh, 58 per cent in Maharashtra think government has not done enough.

Hate speeches:
Half the respondents think the government has not failed to stop leaders from making hate speeches.

Land acquisition bill:
39 per cent people feel the bill needs amendments.

More than 50 per cent people in Chattisgarh, Haryana, Maharashtra and Punjab think government officials have not become more efficient. More than 50 per cent people in Chattisgarh, Haryana, Maharashtra and Punjab think government officials have not been freed from political influence.
Source: ABP Live

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